Dave N9EWO's IC-7600 Review(now including the DC-DC Unit fix)

AGC in the IC-756Pro3, IC-7600, IC-7700 and IC-7800

AGC and Noise Blanker in an IF-DSP Receiver

IC-7600 Noise Blanker Demo: WWV with severe impulse noise.NB offNB on

IC-7600 APF Demo

IC-7600 Demos by VA7OJ at Dayton 2009: Demo 1Demo 2(YouTube Video by Isiah Gates)

IC-7600CW Filter Demo(YouTube video by IK1LBO)

The IC-7700 Spectrum Scope: RBW & Grass Levels(also applicable to the IC-7600)

Icom Japan IC-7600 Press Release (in English)

Icom Japan IC-7600 Page (in English)

Icom America IC-7600 Page & Brochure

Note on USB Memory Drives- removing proprietary formatting

Download the USB Driver(v1.10)

Download USB Driver Guide(PDF)

Driver information for Silicon Labs USB/UART Bridge (Windows, Mac, Linux)

TI PCM2901 USB Codec information

IC-7600 Scope IF Tap for RTL-SDR- by Stefan Wagener VE4NSA

Video: IC-7600 RTL-SDR RTTY 20m Ham Radio- by Stefan Wagener VE4NSA [mirror]

Icom Scope Display using HDSDR- by Harry Tankin WE1X [mirror]

IC-7600 Firmware Update V2.00 (released 18 May 2015: incorporates major new functionality)

Improvements added by V2.00 Firmware:

  1. Waterfall screens, mouse operation, and other additional functions have been added to the spectrum scope.
  2. An APF AF Level setting has been added.
  3. CI-V commands for antenna control, logging software and RIT/DELTA-TX have been added.
  4. TX Delay (HF/50M) settings have been added to adjust the TX delay time.
  5. A Standby setting has been added to remotely turn ON the IC-7600 transceiver by a command from the REMOTE jack.
  6. 'MOS-FET' is now the default value of 'SEND Relay Type.'
If you ever need to know exactly when your Yaesu radio was manufactured here is the way to decode Yaesu serial numbers:
Position 1 = year made

Icom Ic 7000 Serial Numbers

Position 2 = month made
C = January
D = February
E = March
F = April
G = May
H = June
I = July
J = August
K = September
L = October
M = November
N = December

Icom Serial Number Decoder

Pos 3 &/or 4 = lot number(s)
Pos 5<-8 sequence in that lot
Position 1: last digit of the year in which the radio was produced

Icom Serial Number Decoding Numbers

Position 2: Determine the position of the letter in the alphabet (C=3,D=4,E=5, etc) and then subtract 2. The result gives the month in which the radio was manufactured. Note that the letters will range from C (January) throughN (December). Thus, a radio with a serial number of 6J691278 would have been manufactured in 2006 (6), during the month of August (J=10, 10 minus 2 = 8, August is the 8th month), was part of lot 69, and was the 1278th radio in that lot.